Premium gin glass for BULLDOG GIN by PELAYO


BULLDOG GIN Premium Ginin collaboration with fashion designer Pelayo Díaz developed four limited edition designs (ADAM, UNIQUE, ATTITUDE and DESIRE), the first launched by the brand, to customize its Gin Tonic glasses. In order to project all the technique, intention and objectives of Pelayo’s designs on a Gin Tonic glass without losing any nuance along the way, they decided to rely on KRISTAL 97.

The main challenge we faced in the process of customizing these cups was that the design required the cup to be completely decorated, from the base to the body, without any aesthetically perceived interruption in the design, i.e., the cup had to be completely “dressed”. The job presented the difficulty of decorating the most curved surface of the product (ball cup) with 360º designs. Finally, our production department managed, through a combination of different techniques, to overcome the difficulties presented by the four designs and meet the brand’s expectations.

After achieving success, BULLDOG GIN once again counted on KRISTAL 97 BRANDED GLASSWARE to repeat the commercial operation with four designs by the influencer Dulceida.


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